I’m going to inherit money, will that affect my Social Security Disability benefits?

The answer to this question will depend on the type of Social Security disability benefits you’re applying for (or receiving).  If you are applying for or receiving Disability Insured benefits (Title II), than inheriting money will not effect your eligibility.  You are eligible for these benefits by earning quarters of coverage by working.  The only thing that will make you ineligible is your employment making SGA (substantial gainful activity) which is currently $1,010/month.  This amount must be earned by current employment and not payments for things like royalty, long or short-term disability benefits, or monies owed for work in the past.

If you are applying for or receiving SSI benefits, then inheriting money will affect your payments.  If you are in this position, you need to discuss with an attorney your options of either spending down the funds (if it is a small amount) or whether or not a trust would be an option to protect your benefits.

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